Springtime, although late on warmth, gave way to surges in heat, bringing the river ecosystem quickly to peak life and activity. While streamer fishing remained a staple through the year, top water fishing became effective by May. Many days were spent drifting cork poppers or chugging frogs along riparian willow banks while contending with prolific hatches of mayflies and caddis.

quick, long casts were a theme from mid-summer through early fall. Shooting controlled casts at smallies tucked against slivers of rock, bedding plain ledges, under strands of river grass and sunken wood structure was key to summer fishing.
Low water levels through October created ideal fall fishing to schooled smallies that charged at swung flies at the ends of mid-river pools and ate stripped flies along deep bank lines.

I'm accepting reservations for dates beginning in March 2019. Email me willwinans@bigriverfly.com to reserve your date. Join me on the river.
Capt. Will Winans